How Not To Take Things Personally by Frederik Imbo

by - Desember 02, 2020

i've just done watching TEDx Talks on YouTube this morning during my working hours. it's about "how not to take things personally?" by Frederik Imbo. and i'm thinking a lot ever since. here's the link if you want to watch it, it's very opening up my mind! How not to take things personally? | Frederik Imbo | TEDxMechelen

Frederik menjelaskan kenapa kita seringnya menganggap serius atau menganggap hal-hal yang orang lain lakukan adalah karena kita atau untuk kita. let me tell you something. Frederik memberikan contoh mengapa ketika kita berkendara (mobil) di tengah malam, kita melihat ada mobil lain di belakang kita yang memberikan lampu sign yang berkedip atau membunyikan klakson berkali-kali kemudian kita berpikir "am i haunted?" yang biasanya di ikuti dengan umpatan-umpatan bernada kesal. mungkin kita akan merasa bahwa pengendara di belakang tersebut sedang mengusik ketenangan berkendara kita, atau kita akan merasa bahwa pengendara tersebut sangat ingin menjahili kita. sekali lagi, kita tahu bahwa apa yang kita keluarkan sebagai output atau respon dari suatu hal is totally our control. we control our own responds, our own actions. also we control our own minds. kita bisa berpikir seperti itu, which means negative way, it's because we used to think so. we used to take things personally. in fact, there must be a reason why the driver behind us do that way, isn't? there must be a reason why the driver do that and has nothing to do with us. 

sebagai contoh lain, when we walk out the door and see our friends looking at us and they're laughing. what are we used to think? personally, i used to think "oh god, they're laughing at me. they're mocking me and laugh! what's wrong with me? with how i dressed today? they're must be talking about me." yes, aku akan berpikir bahwa mereka sedang menertawakanku dan bergosip tentangku dan mungkin itu adalah hal lucu untuk mereka. you used to think so, didn't you? tapi ketika kita berusaha mengubah cara berpikir kita terhadap hal itu in positive way, we'll think that they're laughing about something and has nothing to do with us either because we just met. padahal kenyataannya belum tentu demikian. there's a thousand reason why they're laughing and suddenly our eyes met, as simple as that. 

dari dua contoh yang sudah aku jelaskan, kita nggak pernah tahu kenyataan sebenarnya dan apa yang ada di dalam kepala mereka, atau tujuan mereka sebenarnya apa. kita merasa seperti itu karena otak kita terbiasa berpikir seperti itu, disadari atau tidak. we never know their true intention. jadi, kenapa kita selalu menganggap segala hal secara personal? kenapa kita selalu berpikir bahwa apa yang orang lain katakan atau lakukan adalah tentang kita secara pribadi? why do we take things personally? do you know how many thoughts a brain produce a day? it's 50,000! and guess how many of them are positive? it's only 10,000! the rest of them (40,000) are negative. that's why we used to think negative way first, because our brains does. 

Frederik Imbo gives us two strategies how not to take things personally :
  • It's Not About Me : look at the other person's intention. it's not always about me when driver tailgating and flashing his lights, maybe he does it because he's in hurry or something. it's not always about me when some girls laughing through their eyes on me, maybe they're talking about comedy TV show last night or talking about how funny stand-up comedians are. and i think we should take a look of the other person's perspective, not only ours. i know it takes a lot of effort to correct yourself and say, "hang on, i have no clue." 
  • It's About Me : give yourself empathy and speak up about it. maybe it's about me when the driver tailgating and flashing his light because i drive too slow and i shouldn't do that. maybe it's about me when someone says, "you are so selfish" because deep down inside we have tiny little thing called selfish in ourselves whether we like it or not. if it happens, why don't we take a mirror and look at ourselves, "is it true? i need introspection myself." or if it happens, we can speak up about our intention, about how we truly feel about it. we speak up, tell the truth. by opening up, by being vulnerable, by being honest telling the truth what's going on inside of us without blaming the other one, we increase the chance that the other one will understand us. speak up and be brave.

the last thing that hits me so hard is the last sentence of Frederik's presentation : 

"people may attack you, criticize you, or ignore you, they can crumple you up with their words, spit you out or even walk all over you, but remember whatever they do or say, you will always keep your value."

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